
人材育成セミナー「電子書籍の基礎(入門編) ~電子書籍の概要、制作技術、配信と流通、今後の新しい流れ~」9月11日東京で開催(植村八潮/加藤好計/河田洋次郎/土佐勝彦/鷹野凌/電子出版制作・流通協議会)

 一般社団法人電子出版制作・流通協議会(電流協)は9月11日、人材育成セミナー「電子書籍の基礎(入門編) ~電子書籍の概要、制作技術、配信と流通、今後の新しい流れ~」を開催する。講師は植村八潮氏(専修大学教授で日本出版学会会長)、加藤好計氏(豊国印刷株式会社 事業開発推進部 部長)、河田洋次郎氏(株式会社メディアドゥ 執行役員)、土佐勝彦氏(株式会社トゥ・ディファクト ハイブリッド事業企画部)、鷹 […]

A NASA Hubble Space Telescope (HST) view of the magnificent spiral galaxy NGC 4603, the most distant galaxy in which a special class of pulsating stars called Cepheid variables have been found. It is associated with the Centaurus cluster, one of the most massive assemblages of galaxies in the nearby universe. The Local Group of galaxies, of which the Milky Way is a member, is moving in the direction of Centaurus at a speed of more than a million miles an hour under the influence of the gravitational pull of the matter in that direction. Clusters of young bright blue stars highlight the galaxy's spiral arms. In contrast, red giant stars in the process of dying are also found. Only the very brightest stars in NGC 4603 can be seen individually, even with the unmatched ability of the Hubble Space Telescope to obtain detailed images of distant objects. Much of the diffuse glow comes from fainter stars that cannot be individually distinguished by Hubble. The reddish filaments are regions where clouds of dust obscure blue light from the stars behind them. This galaxy was observed by a team affiliated with the HST Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale. Because NGC 4603 is much farther away than the other galaxies studied with Hubble by the Key Project team, 108 million light-years, its stars appear very faint from the Earth, and so accurately measuring their brightness, as is required for distinguishing the characteristic variations of Cepheids, is extremely difficult. Determining the distance to the galaxy required an unprecedented statistical analysis based on extensive computer simulations.

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