Publisher cancels paperback re-issue of author critical of its bestseller


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 After Yasumi Tsuhara, a sci-fi/mystery author known for 2006 hit Buraban (Brass Band), tweeted criticism of the best-selling Nihon Kokki for lifting passages from other works, he soon found out that the paperback re-issue of his own title from the same publisher, Gentosha, was canceled, as first reported by Mainichi Shimbun on May 16.

 The paperback (bunko) re-issue of Tsuhara’s book titled, Hikki Hikki Shake (short-listed for Sakunosuke Oda award in 2016) was scheduled for April but was called off abruptly after the galleys and jacket cover were almost completed.

 When Tsuhara asked for an explanation, his editor told him that the sales department at Gentosha could not cooperate in the marketing of an author who is negatively impacting the sales of Nihon Kikki by Naoki Hyakuta. The controversial bestseller in a guise of a history telling endorsed by PM Shinzo Abe, is riddled with lifted passages from Wikipedia and unattributed excerpts from other works.

 As the accusations by the both parties escalated, Gentosha publisher Toru Kenjo revealed the sales number for Tsuhara’s past titles in a tweet that was later deleted.

 Several authors including Genichiro Takahashi and Mangetsu Hanamura have expressed that they would not publish works from Gentosha.

Reference link

Mainichi Shimbun article




About 大原ケイ 289 Articles
NPO法人HON.jpファウンダー。日米で育ち、バイリンガルとして日本とアメリカで本に親しんできたバックグランドから、講談社のアメリカ法人やランダムハウスと講談社の提携事業に関わる。2008年に版権業務を代行するエージェントとして独立。主に日本の著作を欧米の編集者の元に持ち込む仕事をしていたところ、グーグルのブックスキャンプロジェクトやアマゾンのキンドル発売をきっかけに、アメリカの出版業界事情を日本に向けてレポートするようになった。著作に『ルポ 電子書籍大国アメリカ』(2010年、アスキー新書)、それをアップデートしたEブックなどがある。
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